Tired of resolutions, vision boards or happy clappy?

Susan Jagannath
3 min readJan 27, 2022
a book with lights

Yes, I’m tired of those too..

Not a good look for “Happy New Year”? maybe, but I have something much better. This year, with all the lack of travel, and anxiety over the what-seems-a-never-ending-plague, I turned increasingly inwards, and that meant challenging a lot of my prejudices and yes even hostility to the “woo-woo” side of life. So if you have been following me even a little, you would have seen that I had a revelation about the workings of our inner engines, or “chakras”. I wondered and investigated if these could in fact affect an author’s creativity blocks. I’ve long been a fan of long walks to lift your mood and soul, and no, this is not another blog about walking. I promise. What if, what if, we could wander in different ways — like Vision Boards..?

Yes, but…to be frank, I prefer to journal, and so I’ve been scribbling, randomly, but not arbitrarily, a few prompts are good to keep your thoughts collected, and creative.

Vision Boards are so yesterday

I used to love vision boards — mostly because they reminded me of scrap books that I used to make as a child, and even photo albums, you know the ones with the blurry or black and white photos with rather obscure captions, like ” “In Aunty June’s garden” . who was Aunty June, where…



Susan Jagannath

I escaped corporate to travel, have adventures, write bestsellers, and help others to publish. https://www.facebook.com/groups/writeyourbusinessbestse