The 30-day series: Outlining and Writing Quickly

Susan Jagannath
2 min readDec 30, 2022
establishing your author brand

An Idea and Outline for Your Book Today

Spend some time brainstorming. You can try just drawing out a mind-map but first you need a main idea for your book, and an outline that shows each chapter, and a bulleted list for each chapter.

A mind map

The more detailed your outline is, the easier it can be to achieve your word count each day. With fiction, some people prefer not to outline at all, but to fly by the seat of their pants instead, they’re called “pansters”. At the very least, you need the main concept ironed out so that you have a starting point.

A good place to start is why you are writing this book?, What problem are you solving for the reader?

Set Daily Word Count Goals and Start the Writing Process

Setting a word count is a good idea as it gives you motivation. You can join a challenge like so that every 30 minutes, work without distraction and then take a short break and chat about how many words they were able to crank out. You can do this on your own with a timer, or use the Pomodor technique. Get some idea of a schedule you’d…



Susan Jagannath

I escaped corporate to travel, have adventures, write bestsellers, and help others to publish.