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If I knew then what I know now as a bestselling author
In 2023 you will regret not starting your book today
"The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in our stars, but in ourselves that we are underlings" William Shakespeare
Can you believe it’s nearly the last quarter of 2022? It is time to take a step back and reflect on what you have done in the past year and what you want to do in the upcoming year. If you haven’t started on your book as yet, you are not going to be a published author in 2022. And you can even make that a “published BESTSELLING author”!
In 2023, you will regret not starting writing your book today because if you do, you will be an author in 2023. You should start now and by next year or earlier you can be fulfil your dream of being a publisher author. Procrastination helps no one, not you, nor your readers.
Aim for bestseller — don’t be shy
To reach your readers, a book needs to aim for bestseller status. And in as many media as you can — but for now, plan only for digital.
This is because readers are now more likely to buy books based on their friends’ recommendations or reviews. They also rely on recommendations from other readers, which they can access through social media sites like Facebook and Instagram.