How an AI Story Writer Can Boost Your Productivity as An Author

Susan Jagannath
9 min readFeb 12, 2023

I know everyone’s going crazy over ChatGPT, and if you don’t want to know about it, that’s okay. However, I’ve been having great fun playing with artificial intelligence and similar resources for nearly a year now.

I’ve mainly been using it for art because I am a writer, not an artist. In my experience, I’ve been having a great time with it as an artist of words. When you can write good words- you can make great art. Now, this art can be used for many different things. I know there is a lot of controversy over its use. But there’s one thing we’re forgetting, we all use artificial intelligence all the time; when we make a google search, look for audible content, even scroll through social media, you name it. Sometimes, you don’t even know that you’re using artificial intelligence. So why don’t we use these? It’s just an app, and it’s not going to do you any harm.

An AI Story Writer Experiment

What’s more, earlier this month, we had a session on AI for Authors. It was an experiment using artificial intelligence for authors, covering all the kinds of things it can be used for. You can view a clip of that below.



Susan Jagannath

I escaped corporate to travel, have adventures, write bestsellers, and help others to publish.